When will PewDiePie hit his next YouTube subscriber milestone?

Connor Bennett
YouTube: PewDiePie

After reaching 100 million YouTube subscribers, Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg has been on a march to his next major milestone – 110 million subs. However, it may take a little longer than planned, especially as he has a break on the horizon. 

PewDiePie is by far the most popular single YouTube creator on the platform, finally hitting the lofty goal of 100 million subscribers back in August following the war against T-Series, which raged on for nearly a year. 

Since losing to the Bollywood production channel, Pewds hasn’t pushed hard for new subscribers, and he hasn’t been getting them in droves either. Instead, it’s been a steady flow. That’s not going to help him reach 110 million anytime soon, but he isn’t a million miles away either.

YouTube: PewDiePiePewDiePie became the first solo YouTuber to hit 100 million subs and received a special play button.

As it stands, the Swede sits on around 102 million subscribers, having passed that mark towards the end of October. As YouTube no longer keeps a live ticker of subs, so it’s hard to gauge as to when he’ll hit his next million subscriber milestone of 103 million.

Despite that though, thanks to SocialBlade, a website that tracks stats from numerous social media platforms, we do have projections for when he’s going to hit the next set of milestones, after that, as Pewds continues his growth.

According to the stat trackers inital projections, he was set to finish the year at around 105 million subscribers – with the projection stating he’ll hit that mark around Christmas. Yet, that isn’t likely to happen seeing as he hasn’t even reach 103 million. As for 110 million, that’s not projected to happen until April – sometime between the 10th and 13th.

SocialBladePewDiePie is expected to hit 110 million subscribers in April.

Now, these projections could obviously change if the Swede sets his fans a target to hit, or if they even decide to surprise him with a huge push.

Again, though, that seems unlikely considering they haven’t gone as crazy as they did during the war with T-Series – where fans hacked GTA and even rented planes to spread the ‘Sub 2 PewDiePie’ message.

Yet, even that milestone could take a while to be hit. On December 14, the Swede announced that he would be taking a break from YouTube in the new year. However, he didn’t specify exactly when that would be or just how long he’d be taking off either.

With no uploads coming in, Pewds’ channel could very well find itself actually losing out on fans who are expecting him to upload. Of course, many of his loyal viewers will no doubt understand his need to take a well-earned break and will stick around until his return.

Whether or not his break affects his chances at hitting 110 million subscribers anytime soon remains to be seen, but it’s unlikely that he’ll find himself having to regain a huge amount of subscribers if he does, in fact, lose a few.