xQc fires more accusations at Katerino amid CallMeCarson cheating drama

Jacob Hale

Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel has made further accusations about Twitch streamer Katerino following confirmation that she cheated on boyfriend CallMeCarson more than once.

Katerino appeared, by all accounts, to have an ongoing relationship with Carson that seemed to be fine, but it was revealed that she had cheated on him with one of his good friends, Fitz.

In a response video posted on April 14, Katerino also revealed that when she first started seeing Carson, she was already dating someone else at the time, making the situation even more volatile than it might have initially seemed.

There seems to be a lot more to the Carson/Katerino drama than meets the eye.

Now, though, xQc has had his say on the matter – and directed even more allegations at Katerino.

He spoke of a time that he was at a party, and she was also with her boyfriend in attendance. He said: “Even though her boyfriend was there physically, she was going to another dude’s hotel room. So, she’s not like, a quad champion… She’s a Penta. There’s another.”

He refuses to name the other person because he respects them a lot, but clearly believes there was something wrong regarding the situation, especially while her boyfriend was with her.

It’s not quite clear whether the boyfriend at the time was Carson or someone else, so it’s difficult to verify the timescale of when this was or who played a part in it, but xQc has really added more fuel to the fire here.

It seems there is more to this story than most of us seem to know, though how much of it actually comes out remains to be seen.