YouTuber celebrates Super Bowl with 10,000 calorie nachos challenge

Eli Becht
youtube matt stonie nachos super bowl

Most people just bring chips and dip to their Super Bowl parties, but YouTuber Matt Stonie did things a little differently, prepping for the NFL final with an absolutely huge plate of nachos that surpassed 10,000 calories.

Stonie is well-known for his crazy food challenges, and this time he prepared himself a massive plate of nachos that included a smorgasbord of ingredients.

His entire channel is built around devouring obscene amounts of food in a short amount of time, something that has allowed him to balloon to over 10 million subscribers.

Matt Stonie
Matt Stonie is very well-known for his bizarre food challenges.

On February 1, the day before the Super Bowl, he prepared his mountain of nachos and the dish very quickly racked up the calories. He went all out, including everything from salsa, guacamole, ground beef, and even some bacon.

Of course, he had no choice but to eat the mountain of food after he put it together.

Matt Stonie Super Bowl nachos
Stonie was able to clear off the entire plate.

Amazingly, he was able to clean off the entire plate in just over 20 minutes. 10,000 calories is a lot of food to digest, no matter which way you slice it, so it’s an absolutely incredible feat he was able to pull off here.

Of course, this isn’t the YouTuber’s first rodeo as he’s scarfed down plates of food larger than this in the past and will likely continue to do so in the future.

Making a plate of nachos this size would likely require several people to finish, so if you feel like mimicking it, the Super Bowl would be the perfect time.

Nachos are a very popular dish for groups to prepare for the Super Bowl because of how easy they are to make. With that said, if you are bringing these over to a party, you should make sure you give a heads up to your group because coming in with a portion like these will likely turn some heads.

For most people, however, just some simple chips and dip will go down well enough during the football, so don’t worry too much about going all out as Stonie did.