Fallout 76 Ghoul perks sound absolutely broken

Sam Smith
Ghoul Fallout 76

Fallout 76 will let players transform into a Ghoul in 2025, and the perks look like they’re going to be the deadliest thing in the game yet.

The Fallout Day Broadcast shed some more light on the Ghoul gameplay update that’s coming to Fallout 76 sometime in 2025, and it looks like some players are going to become extremely overpowered.

For starters, players won’t need to worry about hunger or thirst ever again after turning into a Ghoul, and not only will they become immune to radiation, but going into irradiated areas will heal them.

Ghoul gameplay
Get ready to “rip the face of a Deathclaw” with the upcoming Ghoul perks.

However, there’s a major catch: Ghoulish players will need to keep an eye on their own sanity, and those who neglect this risk turning into a Feral Ghoul – a zombielike creature with no intelligence that attacks others on sight.

While becoming a Ghoul will unlock its own set of perks in the game, becoming a Feral Ghoul will unlock even more. One such perk involves the player turning into an unstoppable “berserker” with the ability to “rip the face off a Deathclaw.”

Another perk called Battle-Genes allows the player to regain 1 HP of health every second, making players who transform into Ghouls very hard to kill, and we look forward to seeing the meta builds players come up with.

While players will almost certainly be able to feel the benefit of becoming a Ghoul in combat, there will be some downsides. Even civilized ghouls will struggle with some factions, especially ones like the Brotherhood of Steel, who shoot Ghouls on sight.

Fallout 76 ghoul
Some perks will be unique to Ghouls and Feral Ghouls, including Glowing One.

However, becoming a ghoul will unlock some new narrative options that wouldn’t be open to human players, just know that going feral could result in many quests becoming unavailable. After all, a feral Ghoul is unable to have conversations or think for themselves.

Players will be able to complete the Ghoulification quest when they reach level 50, and as far as we know, there’s no going back once they do. From there, the player will then need to decide if they want to remain as a civilized Ghoul or go completely feral.

There’s no release date for the Ghoul update as of yet, but it will be added to Fallout 76 sometime in 2025.