Fallout 4 Steam update mentions and quickly removes New Vegas 2 files
Bethesda SoftworksFiles designated as “New Vegas 2” recently appeared in a Fallout 4 Steam update, but Bethesda developers were quick to remove it.
Fallout New Vegas has long been considered the series’ best entry. As such, fans continue to hold out hope for a remake, sequel, or both. Bethesda has yet to so much as hint that something of that nature is in the cards, though.
Other Fallout entries receive the occasional update every so often. Fallout 76’s last major update, Mutation Invasion, launched earlier this year and brought a mutated spin on Public Events.
Meanwhile, Fallout 4’s next-gen update will go live sometime this year. A recent Steam update indicates the next-gen build may introduce more than graphical and performance upgrades.
Fallout 4 Steam update once hinted at New Vegas 2 content
As PCGamesN notes, several Fallout 4 files were added to the Steam backend in late March, many written as “beta2.” Earlier this week on April 4, more file depots joined the mix with the following designation attached – “newvegas2.”
The crew at Bethesda managed to remove these signifies a day late; however, as seen in the changelist screenshot below, Fallout 4’s SteamDB page remembers all:
Of course, any mention of Fallout New Vegas 2 will send fans of the series into a frenzy. Unfortunately, there’s no official word on what the since-deleted files may have actually meant.
The Steam updates could’ve amounted to an honest mistake or a bit of trolling on the part of developers.
It may also serve as a hint that Fallout 4’s next-gen update will include New Vegas content of some kind. Regardless, Fallout faithful would do well to not get their hopes up just yet.