EA locks Ahmet Calik’s price in FIFA 22 following his death

Bill Cooney

EA Sports announced they’ve locked the price of Turkish footballer Ahmet Calik’s card in FIFA 22 after the player tragically passed away in a car accident.

On January 11, the Turkish defender’s club Konyaspor broke the news that Calik had died in a car accident at the age of 27 just outside of Ankara, Turkey.

As tributes rolled in, some players decided to take advantage of the tragic news, which prompted an official response from EA.

EA locks the price of Calik’s FUT items

After news broke of Calik’s passing, some players started trading his card to take advantage of the increased demand and price.

EA quickly stepped in though, announcing they would be locking the price to honor the player’s memory.

“To respectfully honor his legacy, Çalık’s FUT items price ranges will be permanently fixed at their current value,” EA announced. “We send our sincerest sympathies to his family and his fans all around the world.”

This means the locked price will remain under 10,000 FUT Coins after EA’s actions, with the card costing on average somewhere between 4,000 and 7,000 Coins, depending on the platform.