FIFA 22 players call for major changes to FUT Champs qualification

Bill Cooney

FIFA 22 players want to see major changes to FUT Champions qualification, arguing there’s not really a need for Playoffs.

Playoffs for FUT Champs let us play through a limited number of games, earning points toward Champions Ranks and Rewards. However, a lot of players are frustrated, since players who don’t qualify have nothing to do.

Not only that, but the points required from Division Rivals are also a point of concern with players. Because of this, some want to see major changes happen.

Players want major changes to FUT Champs qualifying

Players want to see changes to FUT Champs.

In a Reddit post on November 14, user ‘stateofyourone’ argued there was no need for Playoffs, as simply getting enough points was already a massive challenge to most of the community.

“It’s a major added stress on top of Divison Rivals. Does anyone else think it’s time for it to be scrapped?” they wrote. “I got my 2000 points and honestly didn’t even play one game.”

Suggestions included another competition for players that didn’t qualify, making Playoffs more accessible to more players, and more in addition to just ditching them altogether.

“The playoffs shouldn’t be necessary for those that reach rank 1 or 2 in WL,” one user replied in the comments. “They should qualify without the playoffs. That would even the playing field enough for average players like me to actually qualify a few times per season.”

With FIFA 22 EA SPORTS actually tried to overhaul the FUT Champs, adding Playoffs to try and make it more accessible and reduce the time required to participate.

Based on this response from players though, it doesn’t seem like the “overhaul” to FIFA 22 FUT Champs was very successful.