How to complete Layvin Kurzawa FIFA 21 Player Moments SBC: cheapest solutions

Bill Cooney
Kurzawa Player Moments SBC

It’s time for another fresh Player Moments SBC from EA Sports, and this time around the upgrade goes to Paris Saint-Germain left-back Layvin Kurzawa, and we have all the info on how to complete the challenges and pick up his new card as cheap as possible.

Kurzawa has been a familiar sight in the PSG backfield for years now and was the first Champion’s League defender in modern history to score a hat trick back in 2017 against Anderlecht.

His new Player Moments card doesn’t celebrate this feat, instead, it celebrates his acrobatic goal v Toulouse during the ’17/’18 Ligue 1 Season, so let’s take a look at the stats price, requirements, and more for this massive upgrade of a card.

Layvin Kurzawa Player Moments in-game stats

Stats for Kurzawa’s Player Moments card.

Like we said this 86 OVR Player moments card is a ridiculous upgrade from Kurzawa’s regular 77-rated gold card. As this celebrates him as a goalscorer, it’s no surprise that Shooting gets bumped up 18 points from 65 to 83.

Pace also sees a significant boost, up 16 points from 74 all the way to 90. Defending and Dribbling also both get 9 point increases, making this a definite upgrade at LB.

Layvin Kurzawa Player Moments price & requirements

Price-wise, Kurzawa’s new card will run you a tiny bit on the expensive side at roughly 181,000 to 206,000 FUT Coins altogether, depending on which platform you prefer to play on.

There are only two SBCs you have to knock out to get this done though, so while it might take a few coins, it shouldn’t take that much time or effort to complete. Plus, you also get a pack reward for both of the challenges. The full list of challenges and requirements is below:

Paris Saint-Germain

  • Number of players from Paris SG: Min 1
  • In Form Players: Min 1
  • Squad Rating: Min 82
  • Team Chemistry: Min 80
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Reward: 1 Small Rare Gold Players Pack

National Duty

  • Number of players from France: Min 1
  • Squad Rating: Min 85
  • Team Chemistry: Min 75
  • Number of players in the Squad: 11
  • Reward: 1 Prime Electrum Players Pack

Layvin Kurzawa Player Moments cheapest solutions

Below are some of the cheapest solutions to Kurzawa’s SBC. To make things even easier none of them will require any loyalty or position change cards to complete.

Paris Saint-Germain

Solution for Kurzawa’s Paris Saint-Germain SBC.

National Duty

Cheap Solution for Kurzawa’s National Duty SBC.

If you want to grab Kurzawa’s Player Moment’s card, don’t wait around as you only have one week until January 26 to complete all of the requirements.

As always, be sure to follow us on Twitter @UltimateTeamUK for all the latest FIFA 21 news, guides, leaks and more, and if you do pick up Kurzawa, send us a clip and let us know how he got on for you!