FFXIV Online player decimates dungeons using Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Disk as a controller

Lauren Bergin
FFXIV Astrologian casting cards

While Final Fantasy XIV Online encourages players to embrace their creative side, one FFXIV player has taken it a step further by using a modded Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Disk as a controller. 

Final Fantasy XIV’s Eorzea is a land full to the brim with creativity. From stunning glamours to perfectly constructed fan-made houses, FFXIV truly lets your imagination run wild.

This boundless ingenuity transcends Eorzea’s virtual plains, though. In the real world we’ve seen stunning cosplays of characters like Y’shtola and Minfila, but it turns out one fan has gone the extra mile to really embody his Warrior of Light.

Transforming his old Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Disk into an elaborate controller, this player is completing dungeons and taking names in style.

FFXIV Astrologian
What makes the whole thing better is his choice of job.

FFXIV player stuns with Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Disk controller

Electing to take on a healing role as the card slinging Astrologian, SuperLouis64 couldn’t have chosen a better job to test out his Duel Disk controller with.

Every time he draws a card, placing it in the right position on the Duel Disk will grant the ally teammate a buff. Shown using Alisaie as an example, the controller functions perfectly! Redrawing a card using the disk means that his character also redraws in-game.

Not only is this an amazing mod to show off to your friends, he also goes on to prove that it can be used to execute flawless healing combinations during your boss battles.

As the post continues to climb on Reddit, players from all across Eorzea have chimed in with their feedback. “I want to try this out, my Duel Disk has been collecting dust for too long,” reminisces one, while another calls it “the future of gaming.”

Others have taken a more light-hearted approach. “You’re doing it wrong,” jokes one. “You’re supposed to draw with your eyes closed and then smirk when you realized you just top-decked.”

So if you’re feeling adventurous this may your next project, but until then best be wary if you go up against SuperLouis64 in a fight. Who knows if he’s got a Blue Eyes White Dragon tucked away in his deck?