Customers shocked after discovering 6 Dollar Tree items cheaper than Walmart 

Lauren Lewis
Dollar tree store items

Customers are shocked after viewing a viral video that revealed six items from Dollar Tree that turned out to be cheaper than at Walmart. 

The viral video has gained over 1 million views, and was uploaded by a channel dedicated to finding bargains for shoppers. 

The first item that she pulled from the shelf was a fruit preserve. “First, we have their fruit preserves which I was surprised that these are so good. Usually they have strawberry and raspberry. 

“This store was out of strawberry on this day, but these are about half the price of the fruit preserves at Walmart.” The fruit preserve sold at Dollar Tree costs $1.25 versus the $2.48 from Walmart. 

The next item was English muffins, “We have their English muffins, which are only about 25 cents cheaper at Dollar Tree than they are at Walmart. But I will say – I made a breakfast sandwich with a Dollar Tree English muffin, and (my husband) said it was one of the best English muffins he had ever had.”

The Dollar Tree muffins are marginally cheaper than Walmart, ringing up at $1.25 instead of Walmart’s $1.58.

She also picked up a salt free seasoning, which rang up at “almost half the price” as Walmart. The product came in $1.25, with Walmart’s costing $2.97. As well as this, she also grabbed a cajun seasoning that costed $1.25, instead of Walmart’s $4.68.

She then headed over to grab a bag of rice. “Rice is something I always try to buy at Dollar Tree because it’s about 50 cents cheaper for the same size bag than it is at Walmart.” 

In terms of price, Walmart charges $1.77 compared to the $1.25 at Dollar Tree.

Finally, she also grabbed a box of Texas Toast that came in at $1.25, while Walmart priced this product as $3.12. However she does note that the item from Dollar Tree only contains six slices, while Walmart’s has eight. 

People were shocked by all of the bargains the video’s poster had bagged, writing: “I’m sobbing at the affordable options, we have NOTHING like this here in Canada.”

“I’m so jealous of your Dollar Tree stores, there is no food at ours,” another wrote. 

But, just because the video’s poster found some cheaper options at Dollar Tree, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s more affordable than Walmart, according to popular food blogger Living On A Dime.

The blogger said that it all depends on what you’re shopping for – for example, they claimed that party supplies were cheaper at Dollar Tree but spices and herbs were an overall winner at Walmart.

“Don’t assume that Dollar Tree is cheaper just because things cost $1,” the blogger states. 

“Dollar Tree is not cheaper on everything, but it can be on some things. Walmart is cheaper for a lot of other things. So if you shop wisely and pick the right store for the right items, you can get good deals.”