Where to find the cheapest pup cup: Starbucks, Dunkin’ and more

Maddy Kinkead

Piuppuccinos, or pup cups as they’re also known, have become a viral way to treat the dogs in your life while also getting yourself a treat.

Whether you call it a pup cup, a puppuccino, or something else equally cute, you’ve probably heard of this adorable way to treat your pet. There’s nothing sweeter than seeing your pup’s eyes light up when they get a special treat, and it means you can go on a coffee date with your dog.

Here, you’ll find out what a pup cup is, where to get them, and how much they cost – so you can treat your furry friend to a treat no matter where you go.

Pup cups are often a part of the secret menu in a lot of chains, but if you know how to ask, you’ll be able to treat Fido every time.

What is a pup cup?

Although different restaurant chains have different variations of treats for dogs, a standard pup cup is just a small portion of whipped cream or vanilla soft-serve. Some ice cream stores will have dog ice cream, and some cafés will even make dog treats in-house, but a little cup of plain whipped cream or soft-serve is a great treat for your dog.

Dairy is easy for them to digest, and it’s super-cute when the cream gets all over their face. Just make sure you ask for some napkins if you’re going to feed this to your dog in your car.

How much is a pup cup at Starbucks?

a dog drinking a starbucks pup cup
Starbucks calls pup cups puppuccinos.

Pup cups are technically a part of the extensive secret menu at Starbucks because you won’t find a cup of whipped cream on their menu anywhere. If you wanted extra whip on your latte you’d have to pay 50 cents, but for your dog, it’s completely free. It looks like Starbucks might just be man’s best friend.

Just ask for a puppuccino when you order, or you could also ask for, “a cup of whipped cream for my dog.” Either way, they’ll know what you mean.

How much is a pup cup at Dunkin’?

A dog with dog toys
Dunkin’ even made their own dog toys.

Dunkin’ has always shown its animal-loving side, especially when they created donut dog toys and donated all funds to an animal welfare charity back in 2021.

If you want a ‘cup for pup’ or ‘puppy latte’, as Dunkin’ call the pup cup, all you need to do is ask when you make your order. This comes with whipped cream in a 4oz coffee cup and is usually completely free. However, they have been known to run special days where they charge $1 for these cups, but these are run as charity events.

How much is a pup cup at Dairy Queen?

A dog with an ice cream
DQ serves ice cream with a dog treat on the side.

Dairy Queen’s pup cup is perfect for hotter days to cool down your pooch after a big walk. The DQ secret menu pup cup is a small dish of plain Dairy Queen soft serve topped with a dog treat. And the best part? It’s free at most branches. However, DQ is franchised so some branches may charge a small fee for these.

How much is a pup cup at Sonic?

Sonic dogs dressed up
Sonic serves Wag Cups for their furry customers

Sonic’s name for the pup cup is a ‘Wag Cup’ and you can even order these through their app under ‘Ice-creams and sundaes.’ If you’re ordering in-store though, just ask for a wag cup, which will be free of charge with your order.

Depending on where you go, you’ll either get a cup of whipped cream or an ice cream with a dog treat in it.

How much is a pup cup at Chick-fil-A?

Chick-fil-A serve bags of dog treats.
Chick-fil-A serves bags of dog treats.

A pup cup is the perfect way to distract your dog from those chicken tenders that you’re chowing down on. The dog treats at Chick-fil-A vary, but former employees have confirmed that you’ll definitely get a cup of whipped cream if you ask.

Chick-fil-A did release a promotional video back in 2023 though where they were giving out bags of dog treats for your pet for free as well, but these might not be available at every branch. Just ask what they have for dogs.

How much is a pup cup at Shake Shack?

Shake Shack have a range of dog treats.
Shake Shack has a range of dog treats.

Shake Shack takes pup cups to the next level because they have a whole menu for dogs. They serve a treat called a ‘Pooch-ini’. According to their website, this is a custom-made dessert consisting of dog biscuits, peanut butter sauce, and vanilla custard which costs $3.75

You can also order the Bag O’Bones, which is five ShackBurger dog biscuits in a convenient doggy bag. These are specially made by Bocce’s Bakery in New York. The bag of treats cost $7.

Are pup cups safe?

Pup cups are safe for dogs, as verified by vets. As with everything, moderation is key with these. If your dog has never had a pup cup, try them on a small amount first and see how they react. If everything is fine, you can give them the full thing next time.

Despite common misconceptions, dairy is not safe for cats, so your feline friend will have to skip out on the pup cups.

Dairy and vanilla flavoring is not toxic for puppies or elderly dogs, so pooches of all ages can enjoy this sweet treat unless your dog has any specific allergies that you’re aware of. If you’re worries, talk to your vet to find the best option for your dog.