Australian Police Department Use Fortnite Analogy to Ask Drivers Not to Use Their Phone When Driving

Mike Kent

The popularity of Fortnite is being used for good down under after an Australian police department incorporated the game into a safety campaign.

Since launching in November 2017, Fortnite has become a cultural phenomenon that has quite literally captured the imaginations of millions across the globe.

As it’s available across a wide range of platforms and free to play, it’s no surprise that alongside the hype of the game there is also people trying to bring it down.

News stations across the world have been attempting to get the message across that the game could be dangerous, including a number of parents interviewed to claim it’s changed their children.

Fortunately for Epic Games that hasn’t seemed to stop people from playing the game, including an impressive $100 million made in transactions in just 90 days of being live on iOS.

One Australian police force is attempting to use the popularity of Fortnite for good, by using an analogy to stop people using their phone while driving.

The New South Wales PD posted a picture of someone driving while holding a phone that shows a character jumping into Tilted Towers.

You’ll be unsurprised to hear that there was plenty of reaction to the Tweet, including both good and bad responses.

Esports organization Chiefs got in on the photoshop action.


Twitter user SwaggerSouls got a little dark with his own photoshop.

And of course, it was inevitable this meme would come out too.