Boogie Bomber Fortnite concept looks like a CoD scorestreak

Matt Porter

An interesting new item concept video posted on the Fortnite Battle Royale subreddit is reminiscent of a Call of Duty scorestreak.

The video was posted on /r/FortniteBR by a user named The-Final-Hoss, would be a legendary item in the game.

The item is called the Boogie Bomber Airstrike, and The-Final-Hoss states it could be used to “drop some major funk on the battlefield”.

The Boogie Bomber Airstrike would be called in much like a scorestreak would be in Call of Duty, dropping a massive Boogie Bomb on an area designated by the player using it. The creator admits that the airstrike is more for fun than practicality, but feels like it could be a comedic inclusion to the game.

The bomb would cause everyone in the vicinity of it’s explosion to burst into spontaneous dance, much like the Boogie Bomb item that already exists in Fortnite. The airstrike, however, would affect every player within a 100 meter radius, a much larger area than the normal Boogie Bomb.

The creator of the concept states that the effects of the Boogie Bomb Airstrike would last for 10 seconds, and suggests that it could be made exclusive to the 50v50 Gamemode, causing for some massive, and hilarious, enforced flash mobs.

Of course, the Boogie Bomb Airstrike is just a concept and hasn’t been officially announced as something that could arrive on Fortnite Battle Royale. However, with Season 6 set to begin on Thursday, September 27, who knows what we could see added to the game.