Epic Games respond to terrible issues in Fortnite’s Trios LTM
Fortnite‘s Limited Time Mode (LTM), Trios, returned on February 4 due to popular demand, but complaints with several issues has prompted Epic Games to address the state of the renewed mode.
Many players have noticed that achieving a Victory Royale on the limited time mode doesn’t necessarily mean that the win will be counted towards their game statistics, leaving some to question whether or not it’s an intentional move from the developer.
However, the company has since informed their community that the problem isn’t intentional, and will look to resolve the issue.
“Yes, wins not counting is a bug,” EpicDustyDevo confirmed, responding to a fan.
Looking towards the future, the developer hopes to have wins achieved in Trios to be added to Squad wins, giving themselves the goal of having the fix implemented by the upcoming v7.40 patch.
This will be a huge boost for players who have had wins playing the LTM but have not had them count on their record.
This is a very similar response to other recent issues that were highlighted by fans, such as the aim assist exploit that has been found in Fortnite.
The exploit causes the crosshairs to easily snap toward the heads of opponents, and Epic has also said the aim assist bug should fixed with the v7.40 patch.