Every Shooting Gallery location for the ‘Get a score of 3 or more at different Shooting Galleries’ Fortnite challenge
One of the more interesting challenges for Week 4 of Season 6 in Fortnite Battle Royale asks you to ‘Get a score of 3 or more at different Shooting Galleries.’
There’s no element of trickery to this task – you simply need to visit a Shooting Galleries and play the mini game until you score three points or more, then you can move on to the next location.
The Shooting Galleries are a fairly recent addition to the game, so it’s not surprising if you aren’t entirely sure where to find all five that are required to complete this task.
There are only a total of seven that we are aware of, but we’ve marked them all on the map below for you:
Either way, there’s a good chance that you will need more than one game to complete the entire challenge (unless you’re extremely lucky with the storm).
Remember to always complete any game where you visit one of the Shooting Galleries. Returning to the lobby before you have been eliminated, or picked up the Victory Royale, may result in your challenge progress being lost.
For more information on the Week 4, Season 6 challenges and how to complete them, visit our hub here.