First look at the new Mounted Turret in action in Fortnite Battle Royale
The V6.30 Update for Fortnite Battle Royale officially released on Wednesday, November 14, and with it brought the new Mounted Turret.
Interestingly, Epic Games have classed the Mounted Turret as a Legendary Trap item, and not a weapon, making it the first trap which players can sit in and control.
The item can be found in Supply Drops, Floor Loot, Vending Machines and Supply Llamas, and comes with unlimited ammo – although players won’t be able to fire the Mounted Turret constantly as it will overheat after extended use.
The Mounted Turret can only be placed on floors, and makes the floor piece it is sitting on invulnerable to damage, meaning enemy players can’t destroy the area it’s sitting on to take it out.
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The item does take damage from enemy fire, and can be used by any player once it has been placed, regardless of whether they are a member of your team or not.
The weapon description states that the Mounted Turret will help “keep enemy players at bay,” and judging by this clip from ‘KaiX‘, it certainly seems like it will be able to do just that.
The Mounted Turret appears to have a high rate of fire, and deals around 40 damage points to an enemy player when they are shot by the heavy duty item.
It also tears through enemy walls and ramps, destroying them in seconds, meaning this item could be perfect to use when attempting to take down an enemy base.
The Mounted Turret is included in the V6.30 update and is live now, available in all game modes, so hop into the Battle Bus and go and try it out for yourself.