Fortnite D-Day LTM and new shotgun potentially leaked

Leaks suggest a D-Day style limited time mode will be heading to Fortnite, which could see a brand-new shotgun added to the game.

The controversial removal of the pump shotgun is still a hot topic in both the casual and competitive communities with many people feeling its replacement, the combat shotgun, is vastly superior to the tactical version of the weapon.

However, with its drop rate currently so low, players are struggling to find it consistently, and Epic Games confirmed the fan-favorite pump could return one day, highlighting the gun is still available in creative mode.

The pump shotgun was an iconic weapon before its removal.

After a heavy shotgun was found in the loading screen, many believed it would be making a return to the game, however, it is yet to be reintroduced.

Now, a brand-new shotgun called ‘The Bear’ could be added instead, after it was spotted in the potentially leaked loading screen for an upcoming D-Day style LTM – Beach Assault.

The leaked loading screen for the upcoming LTM Beach Assault.

Will a new shotgun be added to Fortnite?

Found by @FireMonkeyFN, the leaked loading screen suggests a new shotgun variant will be introduced in the new limited time mode, but it is unknown whether it will also come to the other regular playlists.

‘The Bear’ is already a weapon in Save The World mode, but with a huge damage rating of 210, it will need to be seriously nerfed in order to be balanced in battle royale.

The Bear is one of the strongest weapons in Save The World.

Beach Assault will work similar to Downtown Drop, a creative map which will be accessible via the playlist selection screen.

It will pit two teams against each other, one must storm the beach defenses and destroy the doomsday cannon, while the other must repel the invaders at all costs.