Fortnite Black Panther Claws bug is teleporting players sky-high

Brianna Reeves
fortnite black panther claws

Fortnite players using Shuri’s Black Panther Claws have found a bug that teleports them several hundred feet in the air.

Shuri’s Black Panther Claws were added to the battle royale in the Chapter 5 Season 4 update, Absolute Doom. The Claws act as a melee weapon, of course, but can also increasingly boost a player’s momentum.

Using the weapon’s Pounce attack works to alter movement as well, thanks to its unique leap and dive maneuvers.

However, players keep encountering a glitch that turns the Claws into more than simple movement and melee enhancements.

Multiple Reddit users have shared gameplay footage of a strange Fortnite bug that only trigger when using the Black Panther Claws. In one video, the player performs a Pounce and Slash attack in quick succession, only to be teleported high above the map.

They remain airborne for a full minute before finally floating back down to Fortnite Island. Fortunately, their character doesn’t take any damage upon landing.

Yet another player posted a similar video sometime later, with the bug teleporting them into the air after a dash maneuver. This person was not transported nearly as high in the air, though.

Several other Fortnite players chimed in to say they have similarly encountered the issue while using the Black Panther Claws. One comment reads, “I had this exact thing happen to me 2 weeks ago playing with my son! It was down to the final team, I went in for a pounce when it shot me up…”

Since Epic Games has not addressed the problem, there’s no official word on what causes it.

However, some players believe it comes down to a server desync error, where the server loses track of a person’s position and then resets them to Z=0, which is essentially where the bus starts.

This isn’t the first teleport bug to impact Fortnite. In Chapter 2, players were baffled by a bug that let their opponents teleport through solid walls.