Fortnite controller aim assist on PC nerfed yet again in Season 3 update
Amongst all the fanfare of Fortnite’s colossal drop of new content in Season 3, a small change has been made that’ll bring a smile to mouse and keyboard players. Controller aim assist is once again getting nerfed on PC.
Aim assist on PC has been a controversial issue in Fortnite for months. Keyboard and mouse players flocked to the sticks in droves after it was discovered just how much of an “aimbot” controller aim assist was on the platform.
However, a new nerf in Season 3 to aim assist might just bring players back to the more traditional PC setup. Aim assist isn’t just getting a tiny hotfix, but it’s getting absolutely demolished in this patch.
According to Fortnite data miner Lucas7yoshi, aim assist once again took a big hit in the Season 3 update, much to the dismay of controller players.
The strength of the “pull” of aim assist has been cut significantly for both ADS and hipfire. While the values are somewhat arbitrary, it’s been a cut of around 30% across the board, which is a significant amount.
The changes to aim assist will force controller players on PC to be more precise with their aiming, and be less forgiving if they are off the mark.
Aim assist has been nerfed again in Season 3
— Lucas7yoshi – FESTIVAL ARC??? (@Lucas7yoshi) June 17, 2020
It comes after aim assist was secretly nerfed in a v12.61 hotfix back in May. It dropped the strength of the pull of aim assist significantly. While it still aided players a fair amount for being on the ball, as soon as their crosshair strayed away, controller aim faltered.
This didn’t stop players from picking up the sticks in droves, although it did turn some people away. These new changes should put a stop to it all.
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It should also be noted that these changes are for PC players only. Xbox, Switch, and PS4 players should notice no difference with how aim assist works on their respective platforms.
Fortnite Season 3 added a host of new content to the mega-popular battle royale, including a new battle pass, new map, new cosmetics, and even new vehicles. After weeks of delay, the community have gotten what they asked for, and more.
For all the latest Fortnite Season 3 breaking news on release day, be sure to stick with Dexerto.