Fortnite director hints at upcoming map changes and next in-game event

Daniel Cleary

Creative director working on Fortnite at Epic Games, Donald Mustard, may have hinted towards the next major map changes in the Battle Royale mode.

The map has already undergone plenty of changes since the game’s release in late 2017, with multiple in-game events almost making the current iteration unrecognizable to early fans of Fortnite.

Mustard, who has been known for hinting towards in-game events and even map changes in the past, may have just revealed the next changes that will be made and potentially the next in-game event location.

Fortnite Battle Royale’s map in Season One.

Donald often uses his Twitter profile’s location section to drop fans some cryptic hints about what changes they will see next, and has changed over the past week from potential clues such as “Preparing” and “Planning” to now, where it is currently set as “Pressure Plant.”

Many fans initially believed that the Pressure Plant location would play a role in the “Cattus event,” which included the monster which was released from beneath Polar Peak, although it appears as if the Volcano will be next in line for some changes.

Donald Mustard’s Twitter location is set as “Pressure Plant.”

Fortnite leaks page, FortTory, also shared an image which had many players speculating that Donald’s clues may be accurate after all.

The image was of one of the locked Fortbyte collectibles which was located within Pressure Plant and that the Fortbyte was only “Accessible with Bot Spray inside a Robot Factory.”

FortTory, along with many fans are now beginning to speculate that Pressure plant will slowly transform into a robot factory over the coming days.

Expecting that it will be used to create robots to defeat the Cattus monster which can currently be found circling the ocean of the Fortnite Battle Royale map.