Fortnite Crew members receive free emote as apology for issues: how to redeem

Tanner Pierce

If you were one of the people who signed up for Fortnite Crew and had issues with it when it launched back in December, Epic Games are apologizing for those errors with a free emote. Here’s how you can redeem the offer and get your hands on it.

When Fortnite Crew launched back in December 2020, it was largely viewed as a good service in terms of content and value, but was criticized heavily for its buggy launch. Just taking a look on the Fortnite bug Trello board will reveal a slew of issues that have been fixed with the subscription service.

Because of this rocky start, Epic Games is apologizing by offering up a free “Members Only” emote, which is only available to subscribers of the Fortnite Crew program.

In addition to the free skins, V-Bucks and battle pass, Fortnite Crew subscribers will now get an exclusive emote until February 2021.

According to Epic, the emote will be given out for free. All players have to do is be subscribed to Fortnite Crew and log in to the game between now and February 15, 2021. After that point, the emote will go away and won’t be able to be earned, at least for the time being.

Interestingly enough, Epic mentions that the item might make a return again in the future for subscribers, but offered up no details as to how it’ll be distributed when it comes back.

In terms of the emote itself, it’s pretty interesting and looks a bit like a secret handshake, requiring two players to complete it, which makes sense considering it’s only for Fortnite Crew subscribers.

Given the fact that a Fortnite Crew subscription already comes with some cool items like a free battle pass, V-Bucks and a special Crew Pack just for members — an extra item, no matter how small, is a welcome addition, especially after how frustrating it’s launch was.

It’ll be interesting to see if the emote makes a comeback but until then, hurry and jump into the game to make sure you secure your free item.