Fortnite: How to complete ‘Dance in front of different Holiday Trees’ challenge – 14 Days of Fortnite
The ninth day of 14 Days of Fortnite is upon us, which means a new challenge is now available – and will reward players with another free item.
Every day a new challenge goes live in Fortnite for the holiday event, and every day you can earn a free reward, varying in rarity.
If you haven’t completed any of the challenges for previous days – such as the five gold rings challenge for day 5 – you can find a full list and guide of all 14 Days of Fortnite challenges here.
For Day 9, you are tasked to ‘Dance in front of different holiday trees’ – nine in total – keeping the tradition going of the number of iterations matching the day we’re on.
There are 13 holiday (Christmas) tree locations in total, meaning there are plenty to choose from.
The map below shows all the locations of holiday trees on the map. As you can see, the highest concentration is in the south east of the map, so if you’re looking to get the challenge done fast, this may be the best landing spot.
As always, make sure to complete any match that you are in, either by being eliminated or winning the game, otherwise your challenge progress may not track.
Once you have completed the challenge, leaks suggest you will get this snow globe icon.
If you have been busy over the holiday period and are behind on the challenges, don’t panic, as you will be able to catch up with them even when the 14 Days of Fortnite event is over.
In addition to the daily challenges there are also fresh LTM’s being added each day to battle royale, plus free Llama’s for Save the World players.