Fortnite: How to complete ‘Get 15 bounces in a single throw with the Bouncy Ball toy’ challenge for Week 5

Calum Patterson

If you’re working through the Fortnite challenges for Week 5 of Season 8, you may have stumbled upon the bouncy ball challenge and been stumped – so here’s what you need to do.

Most of the other challenges for Week 5 are pretty straightforward, and once you know what you’re doing, so is the bouncy ball task.

However, unlike other challenges, there is somewhat of a barrier to entry on this one, as you will need to be at least level 26 on the Season 8 battle pass in order to unlock the bouncy ball.

The bouncy ball in Fortnite.

Once you’ve unlocked the bouncy ball, you will need to equip it, and then work out how to bounce it 15 times consecutively.

Thankfully, the ball is very bouncy, but that doesn’t mean you can just toss it aimlessly and hope that it somehow manages 15 bounces.

There are two techniques which should work to reach 15 bounces. The first, which is almost guaranteed to work, is to build up high into the sky, place a flat floor at the top, and then bounce the ball off the top.

How to get 15 bounces with bouncy ball

  1. Build a high ramp (approx 10 levels)
  2. Place a flat floor at the top
  3. Bounce the bouncy ball from the very top floor
  4. Leave the ball and allow it to bounce
  5. Shortly after, the number of bounces will appear in the killfeed
We recommend building up high, and then bouncing the ball from the top platform.

This will ensure the ball picks up plenty of momentum, and should comfortably beat the 15 bounces target.

Alternatively, a slightly safer way to do it, is to put yourself in an enclosed space. Any room in side a building will hopefully do the trick, and by bouncing the ball inside a tight area, it should be able to hit 15 after a few attempts.

Once you bounced the ball, you can leave it to take care of itself while you carry on and work on some of the other Week 5 challenges.