Fortnite: How to complete the “Dance on top of a Water Tower, Ranger Tower, & Air Traffic Control Tower” challenge | Week 5 of Season 7 challenges

Albert Petrosyan

The fifth set of weekly challenge of Season 7 in Fortnite Battle Royale went live on January 3 and it includes a challenge that involves dancing on top of certain objects. 

The challenge comes in three parts, as players will have to visit three specific locations on the Fortnite map and dance on top of a Water Tower, Ranger Tower, and Air Traffic Control Tower.

Of course the players don’t have to actually do a full dance when they get to each location, just using a simple emote will be enough to do the trick.

While doing the actions needed to complete the challenge are simple enough, finding the locations may be more difficult, and so we have included pinpoint locations where each of the three towers can be found.

Water Tower (Stage 1)

The Water Tower can be found in the southeast corner of Retail Row, and it’s recommended that players try to land on top of it right away and complete the challenge rather than trying to build up to it. 

Players can also use other mobility options such as the X-4 Stormwing, Balloons, or Launch Pads to get on top. 

For details, tips, and maps on completing each of the challenges from Week 5 of Season 7, visit our full challenge guide for this week HERE

About The Author

Albert is a former esports and gaming writer, focused particularly on Call of Duty and content creators. Spending over three years at Dexerto, Albert eventually now works with streamer NICKMERCS and the MFAM group. You can find Albert @AlbertoRavioli on Twitter.