Fortnite Mobile Players Have Figured Out a Way to Predict the Path and Final Location of the Cube

Ross Deason

Fortnite mobile players believe that they have found a way of predicting the movements of the mysterious cube that appeared on August 24 and has been moving around the map ever since.

It has been theorized that the cube will eventually end up in, or near, Loot Lake, and mobile players using the lowest graphics settings may have now confirmed it.

According to a Reddit post that has gained a huge amount of traction, playing on these low settings allows players to see patches of grass that indicate where the cube has been and where it will be in the future.

Players quickly started to work together and report back with various coordinates that have these patches of grass, and this has allowed us to create a map that should show exactly where the cube will end up.

As you can see, the cube’s movements from its starting location in Paradise Palms to its current location near Dusty Divot all line up with the patches of grass. If that trend holds true, it looks like it will continue to move up to Wailing Woods, along to Lazy Links and Pleasant Park and then, finally, stop moving next to Loot Lake, just to the north of Tilted Towers:

“MoveToLake” and “TurnOn” shortly after.

With Season 5 coming to an end soon, you can guarantee that a major event involving the cube is on its way!