Fortnite player hailed as “genius” for new strategy to defeat car thieves

Cande Maldonado
The Machinist holding an explosive ready to blow up a car in Fortnite

Few things are as infuriating as procuring and fully modding a car in Fortnite, only to have someone swoop in and steal it from you, but one player has a “genius” solution to deal with car robbers.

Whether you love or hate the vehicle meta, cars are the kings of Fortnite in Chapter 5 season 3. With mods like Machine Gun Turret and Grenade Launcher Turret, these vehicles are wrecking machines.

The most letal move an adversary can pull on you is nabbing your fully-modded car and taking it for themselves. Once your car gets nabbed, it’s game over. Especially if it happens late in the match.

Epic Games tried to introduce weapons to counter the cars’ destructive power, like Boogie Bombs, but these additions did nothing but further enrage players.

Players have been struggling all season to keep their rides safe to no avail. But now one Reddit user posted a strategy to fend off theives to the Fortnite Battle Royale forum, and players are calling it genius.

Here’s the trick: buy Remote Explosives from a vendor NPC like Jonesy. Plant them in your car. Then, when some unsuspecting player steals it, you watch them drive your car into the sunset and press the explode button. Boom. Instant justice.

The community did more than just praise this strategy, they worked together to improve it.

Some suggested taking it up a notch: drive your car onto a rock and plant the explosives on the underside so it’s completely invisible. Even better, break the windows and toss the explosives inside. It’s like a stealth bomb on wheels.

We’re almost a month away from Chapter 5 Season 3 ending, but Fortnite players are still cooking up new strategies.

Whether it’s blowing up car thieves or inventing new ways to hide explosives, they keep the game fresh in hopes to beat the “stale meta” allegations.