Fortnite player shocked after receiving 21k V-Bucks following 2-year break

Rishabh Sabarwal
Jonesy looking shocked in front of V-Bucks

A Fortnite player was handed the surprise of a lifetime when they received 21,000 V-Bucks after returning to the game after a 2-year long break.

Free cosmetics, whether from a Battle Pass or a quest-related event, are typical for Fortnite players. In contrast, free V-Bucks from Epic are extremely rare, occurring only in the context of refunds or active Crew subscriptions.

In one instance, however, one player was taken aback to see that their V-Bucks balance had climbed to over 21,000 when they returned to the game following a two-year absence. This amount was far more than what it was when they abandoned their account in 2022.

FortniteBR subreddit member Eru_Uibo posted an image of their V-Bucks balance, explaining that they stopped playing the game when their V-Bucks balance was around 700 or 800.

The user was taken aback when Epic greeted them with a surplus of around 20,000 V-Bucks. Even though they weren’t sure what had transpired over time, other Fortnite players offered their own speculations.

One such player said: “There was a small refund thing a couple of years ago due to a price change, and they gave people some V bucks back. I think that’s why I can’t exactly remember the whole thing.”

Another argued: “There was no price adjustment thing to be able to reach that high in that amount. The lawsuit a couple of years ago, for the issues of no consent for sale to minors, granted people claims up to no more than $80 which is equal to 13,500 V-Bucks.”

“This wouldn’t explain the 7,715 V-Bucks difference. Unless that’s what they had in their account when they stopped playing. That was the highest amount I know I heard of getting back, and I took up on that offer as well,” they continued.

Others just assumed that was the money from the user’s ongoing Fortnite Crew subscription that he may have neglected to cancel, and it returned around 20 months’ worth of V-Bucks to his account.

Regardless, it’s always a surprise for Fortnite players when they receive free in-game currency from Epic, which motivates them to continue playing the game. On the other hand, those who exploit and suffer the consequences of Fortnite wind up with a negative V-Bucks balance, which is difficult to recover from.