Fortnite Player Takes Advantage of the Rocket Launch Party to Set a New Solo Kills World Record
A new record for single game kills in Fortnite has been set at 48, but it did not happen the way you might expect.
It was not Ninja or Myth with a brilliant display of marksmanship to set the record, rather it was a random person who happened to take advantage of unsuspecting players during the rocket launch viewing party.
The rocket launch in Fortnite was a highly anticipated event, due to its potential to change the map significantly. The launch took place from the Evil Lair near Snobby Shores at 1:30 PM EST.
For the most part, players watched side by side in a truce for the opportunity to catch the one time launch. A massive platform was even constructed near Snobby Shores for those that wanted an up close look at the spectacle.
One player did not get the truce memo, however, and now they stand alone with the single game solo kills record. Elemental_Ray played smart instead of hard, knocking out the viewing platform that 48 players were standing on, eliminating all of them by way of fall damage.
No one is sure if Elemental_Ray was planning to ruin the party with the 3000 IQ play all along, or if they are simply a kid that didn’t know an event was about to happen.
One thing is certain, pro Fortnite players will have a very hard time beating the new solo kills record and at least 48 people did not get a good look at the rocket launch. Check out the clip below to see the new record.
Source: Reddit