Fortnite Player Turns Retail Row into a Giant Indoor Mall
A Fortnite player has used the new Playground Mode to build a roof over the normally outdoor Retail Row.
Playground mode is almost like a private server, allowing players to load into the map by themselves.
The storm will not begin to shrink for 55 minutes so players can do whatever they’d like. One player decided to use the free time to build a shopping mall.
In a post on reddit, user kudoplay posted a video of their creation – Retail Row entirely closed in. They even created a separate roof for the basketball court, though it still isn’t possible to play basketball in the storm.
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The video features the relaxing Mii Channel theme music, as well as added in mall ambience to make kudoplay’s creation seem less vacant.
Unfortunately, it must have taken around 55 minutes to gather all the materials and construct the giant mall because the video ends with the storm closing in, not leaving much time for shopping.
Those who want to build their own creations in Playground will have to work quickly as Epic Games is pulling the mode down on July 12th.
Playground will return at a date to be determined, with improved features and added functionality.
In the meantime, check out kudoplay’s mall in the video below: