Fortnite players caught teaming in solo Pop-Up Cup

Connor Bennett

A Fortnite streamer broadcast himself teaming up with another player in a recent Solo Pop-Up cup, prompting a number of questions from the community.

The Pop-Up cups in Fortnite take the normal Battle Royale mode and put a spin on it – usually in the way of changing health and shields or capping the amount of materials players can use. In this instance, participants in the Solo event were only able to use 500 of each material – Wood, Brick and Metal – instead of the usual 999.

However, two players decided to team up for the event and stream it live on Twitch. While Duo Pop-Up cups are a thing, the community was outraged by players teaming up in a solo event.

Pop-Up Cup events add competition to the normal Battle Royale.

The streamer, Matthew ‘Seal’ Zappia, showed himself communicating with another player who asks him for “medkit or camp(fire)” in a bid to heal.

After receiving messages about the situation being Tweeted about, the other player said: “I saw, dude (the Twitter videos) I don’t know why they care so much. Like, OK dude, sorry I gave Seal 30 shield dude in a fucking Solo pop-up that’s worth nothing. Like, taking a fucking joke – I don’t know.”

Zoof, a Fortnite player, responded to the tweets showing the players teaming by stating: “it’s sad because this is a way some people probably qualified for winter royale and secret skirmish lol”

Another player, ImChung, replied: “if they dont get banned idk (I don’t know) where the line is.”

It remains to be seen if either of the players will suffer any consequences for teaming in the solo event. 

Players have been banned from Fortnite for breaking this rule in the past, so its hard to see them not following the same path.