Fortnite players excited for rumored No Build LTM with classic BR gameplay

Alan Bernal

A rumored Fortnite ‘No Build’ LTM is already garnering attention from the game’s community, who want to go back to the battle royale’s classic gameplay.

Epic Games’ BR exploded in popularity at the height of the genre’s appeal in 2017. At the start, it was a wacky title that stood out among the popular ones of the year, namely PUBG.

No one had Fortnite’s build mechanics down in the first few months. That meant the game was rife with over-the-top, if not chaotic, gameplay that sparked an initial interest to where it is today.

Since then, Fortnite players took the basic building blocks Epic laid out and completely refined the meta. This eventually led to people ‘cranking 90s’ and engaging in sweaty build battles throughout Ranked and casual playlists – leaving some people longing for the old days.

fortnite no build atm
A Fortnite No Build LTM is proving popular among players who want to go back to more grounded gameplay.

Fortnite ‘No Build’ rumor

A Fortnite dataminer called ‘GMatrixGames’ an image for a No Build LTM they said Epic was testing. This immediately got players excited to have a limited-time playlist that would essentially dial back the meta to something for casual.

“Epic is testing a ‘No Build’ playlist,” Reddit user ‘Lukeyguy_’ said. “Not going to lie, personally, this is hype [from] someone who can’t build good.”

Any meaningful leak or confirmation from the devs about a No Build LTM has yet to surface but the idea is already proving popular among the community.

“I’ve wanted a permanent mode with little to no building for ages,” another user said. “I’ve been playing since the first month of Fortnite but since [Chapter 2] haven’t been able to keep up with building cause I don’t play a lot.”

“Yes,” one player said in all caps. “I can’t build to save my life. This is perfect.”

While there are players who understandably don’t find the appeal in the rumored mode, there’s plenty of Fortnite fans hoping to relive the old days.

“A lot of my friends will come back in Fortnite if that’s true,” a fan said. “Epic know exactly what they are doing and it’s a really good thing.”