Fortnite Pro Vivid Explains Why He Chose Team Liquid Over TSM

Calum Patterson

As one of the top talents in competitive Fortnite, Noah “Vivid” Wright had no shortage of options when it came to joining a team, and has explained why he chose Liquid over Team SoloMid (TSM).

After successive high placings in the weekly Summer Skirmish events, Vivid was quickly spotted as one of the best players around, and it was only a matter of time until he joined an organization.

But with a never ending list of top esports teams recruiting for Fortnite teams, where he would end up was unclear. On August 29, he was announced as part of the Team Liquid lineup.

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He joins the likes of Thomas “72hrs” Mulligan, Jake “Poach” Brumleve, Ryan “Chap” Chaplo and Adam “Strafesh0t” Crawford.

His decision came as a surprise to some though, as it had been rumored that he had been offered a spot with TSM. Vivid explained his reasoning on stream however, because he knows he will be asked a lot.

“To be honest it was just natural chemistry, that was the biggest part. There was a couple of other things that I talked with [TSM’s] Myth about, so he knows kind of like a small thing that happened, but, for the most part it was just natural chemistry with Chap, Poach and Tom.

If you guys watched my interview with MonsterDFace, I emphasised team chemistry and me being comfortable, a lot. And yeh, they’re just all really cool guys.”

Vivid will be playing alongside Poach, 72hrs and Chap as part of the Team Liquid roster for the foreseeable future, taking part in solo and duo events under the org’s banner.

TSM also have a strong lineup of both competitive players and streamers, including Myth, Daequan, Hamlinz, CaMiLLz, AimbotCalvin, HighDistortion and more.

You can watch Vivid’s full interview on the Dexerto podcast with MonsterDFace and TwoLoudTX below.