Fortnite Tweets Out Video of Streamer Hitting an Impossible Game-Winning Snipe While Flying in a Shopping Cart

Albert Petrosyan

To say that the Shopping Carts have been a fun new addition to Fortnite: Battle Royale would be an understatement.

Essentially the first ever interactive vehicles in Fortnite, the new carts have been a huge success, with the majority of the game’s vast player-base finding them enjoyable and hilarious.

One player who has certainly enjoyed the new addition is Justin ‘Jmoe161,’ who is an avid streamer of Fortnite on Twitch.

While live-streaming the game on June 1st, Jmoe pulled off a spectacular play using the new Shopping Carts, proving that a good combination if imagination and skill can go a long way.

The whole thing started when the streamer and his teammates found themselves nearing the end of a match in Fortnite, with only a single opponent standing between them and Victory Royale.

Deciding to have some fun, the group rode a Shopping Cart down a tall ramp they had built, eventually propelling themselves high in the air.

With the cart speeding rapidly through the air, Jmoe, who was sitting in the cart’s basket, pulled out a sniper rifle and eliminated the last enemy player with deadly accuracy.

With the degree of difficulty being so high, and the fact that the whole ramp setup was so hilarious, Jmoe’s play will likely go down as one of the greatest in the history of Fortnite.

In fact, it was so incredible, that even Fortnite’s official Twitter page tweeted out the clip, which has since gone viral and accumulated over 1.38 million views.