Fortnite Season 8 Punchcards: How to complete all weekly character quests
Punchcards have returned in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8, offering players another way to earn XP and level up their Battle Pass. Here’s how to complete all of the Punchcards so far.
The Cubes have left their mark around the Fortnite map for the arrival of Season 8, and players are eager to see how the next few months will play out in the beloved battle royale.
With new weapons, map changes, and a crossover with Marvel villain Carnage, there’s no lack of content for this season and players will be looking for the fastest way possible to level up their Battle Pass.
While the traditional Legendary and Epic weekly quests are gone for now, Epic has added back Punchcards for this season, and they’re going to be a fantastic way for players to keep earning XP.
Here are all of the current Character Punchcards in Fortnite Season 8, as well as explanations about how to complete them all.
![Fortnite Punchcards](
All Punchcard questlines in Fortnite Season 8
Below, you’ll find all of the Character Punchcards and their questlines that have been released in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 so far:
Shadow Ops (added November 9)
- Visit a guardian tower
- Collect Light Ammo, Medium Ammo, and Shells
- Cause Shotgun damage to Cube Monsters in the Sideways
- Get a headshot with a Pistol
- Eliminate an opponent with an SMG
Ember Punchcard (added November 2)
- Destroy a fireplace at Lazy Lake, Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges, or Pleasant Park
- Set 10 structures on fire
- Emote within 5m of a vehicle that’s smoking
- Ignite an opponent with a firefly jar
- Heal from a Campfire
Sledgehammer Punchcard (added November 2)
- Open a Chest in The Sideways
- Eliminate 3 different types of Cube Monsters in The Sideways
- Damage Cube Monsters with a Sideways Weapon
- Collect Cube Monster Parts
- Defeat a Cube Monster in The Sideways
Ariana Grande Punchcard (added October 19)
- Collect a Record and place it in a Turntable
- Study the Caretaker’s footprints
- Collect symbols from eliminated Cube Monsters
- Reveal the Command Symbol
- Launch Signal Flares
Dark Jonesy Punchcard (added October 19)
- Collect Scrolls at different IO Bases
- Use a Shadow Stone, then recover the Spirit Vessel
- Touch a Cube
- Destroy the Corruption Cluster and all Corruption Fragments
- Return the Spirit Vessel to the Oracle and hear his vision
Ragsy Punchcard (added October 12)
- Purchase a shield item from a Vending Machine (30,000 XP)
- Consume both a Small Shield Potion and a Shield Fish (30,000 XP)
- Harvest 50 Stone from Sideways Rocks (30,000 XP)
- Use a shield item while in The Sideways (30,000 XP)
- Take damage from an enemy player and survive (30,000 XP)
Dire Wolf Punchcard (added October 12)
- Emote at the Weather Station, Fort Crumpet, or Lockie’s Lighthouse (30,000 XP)
- Damage wildlife with a melee weapon (30,000 XP)
- Destroy a dumpster at Lazy Lake or Pleasant Park (30,000 XP)
- Eliminate 5 Cube Monsters in The Sideways with a melee weapon (30,000 XP)
- Travel on foot in Misty Meadows (30,000 XP)
Raven Punchcard (added October 5)
- Destroy 2 Sideways Rocks (30,000 XP)
- Launch from a Corruption Vent in The Sideways (30,000 XP)
- Eliminate 3 Cube Monsters in The Sideways 15 seconds after gliding (30,000 XP)
- Get 2 headshots from above (30,000 XP)
- Destroy 2 chests with a harvesting tool (30,000 XP)
Nitehare Punchcard (added October 5)
- Bounce 3 times on tires without touching the ground (30,000 XP)
- Use an Alien Jump Pad at an Alien Crash Site (30,000 XP)
- Travel in an Alien Slipstream for 100 meters (30,000 XP)
- Damage an opponent with a Grenade (30,000 XP)
- Get an explosive elimination on a Cube Monster in The Sideways (30,000 XP)
Big Mouth Punchcard (added September 28)
- Open 2 Chests in Steel Farm (30,000 XP)
- Search an Ice Machine (30,000 XP)
- Open 2 Ammo Boxes at Dirty Docks (30,000 XP)
- Buy a Health Item from a Mending Machine (30,000 XP)
- Search a Supply Drop (30,000 XP)
Grim Fable Punchcard (added September 28)
- Hide in a Haystack at Corny Crops (30,000 XP)
- Destroy 3 Beds in Holly Hedges or Pleasant Park (30,000 XP)
- Collect a Harpoon Gun (30,000 XP)
- Hunt a Wolf (30,000 XP)
- Emote within 10m of Wildlife (30,000 XP)
Wrath Punchcard (added September 21)
- Spot enemy players using the Recon Scanner (12,000 XP)
- Use a Jump Pad or Jump Vent and travel 100 meters before landing (14,000 XP)
- Get a Storm Forecast from a Character (16,000 XP)
- Get a bounty from a bounty board (18,000 XP)
- Complete a bounty (20,000 XP)
Baba Yaga Punchcard
- Mark a Medkit, a Bandage, and a Small Shield Potion (12,000 XP)
- Use any of the services of a Mending Machine (14,000 XP)
- Consume foraged items (16,000 XP)
- Restore health with fish (18,000 XP)
- Use a Bandage or a Medkit in The Sideways (20,000 XP)
Madcap Punchcard
- Destroy a farming tractor (12,000 XP)
- Forage two mushrooms (14,000 XP)
- Craft a weapon (16,000 XP)
- Destroy two refrigerators (18,000 XP)
- Consume an apple and a banana (20,000 XP)
Toona Fish Punchcard
- Visit three different named locations (12,000 XP)
- Dance within 10m of an IO guard (14,000 XP)
- Visit the Convergence (16,000 XP)
- Pop the tires on five vehicles (18,000 XP)
- Buy an item from a Character (20,000 XP)
Penny Punchcard
- Destroy five opponent structures (12,000 XP)
- Build five structures at Craggy Cliffs (14,000 XP)
- Harvest metal from both Weeping Woods and Steamy Stacks (16,000 XP)
- Hit four weakpoints while harvesting (18,000 XP)
- Emote within 10m of an ally-built structure (20,000 XP)
Torin Punchcard
- Enter the Sideways (12,000 XP)
- Collect a Sideways weapon (14,000 XP)
- Deal 100 damage to players with a Sideways weapon (16,000 XP)
- Eliminate ten cube monsters in The Sideways (18,000 XP)
- Complete a Sideways encounter (20,000 XP)
Kitbash Punchcard
- Collect nuts and bolts (12,000 XP)
- Craft an item (14,000 XP)
- Upgrade a weapon at a weapon bench (16,000 XP)
- Honk a vehicle’s horn within 10m of an opponent (18,000 XP)
- Survive three storm phases (20,000 XP)
Charlotte Punchcard
- Collect an assault rifle and a grenade (12,000 XP)
- Reach max shields (14,000 XP)
- Visit an IO Outpost or the IO Convoy (16,000 XP)
- Eliminate 2 IO Guards (18,000 XP)
- Search a chest in an IO Outpost or in the IO Convoy (20,000 XP)
Kor Punchcard
- Collect a sniper rifle (12,000 XP)
- Deal 150 damage with an assault rifle or sniper rifle (14,000 XP)
- Get two headshots with an assault rifle or sniper rifle (16,000 XP)
- Deal damage within 30 seconds of hiding in a haystack, dumpster, or a Flusher (18,000 XP)
- Emote on top of a mountain (20,000 XP)
Dusk Punchcard
- Ring a doorbell until it breaks (12,000 XP)
- Damage an opponent within 30 seconds of landing (14,000 XP)
- Deal 75 pistol damage from above (16,000 XP)
- Get an elimination with a Pistol, SMG, or Shotgun in the Sideways (18,000 XP)
- Finish a downed enemy with Harvesting Tool (20,000 XP)
Pitstop Punchcard
- Refuel a vehicle with gas (12,000 XP)
- Travel 500 distance while in a vehicle (14,000 XP)
- Destroy mailboxes with a vehicle (16,000 XP)
- Get two seconds of air time with a vehicle (18,000 XP)
- Interact with an overturned car to flip it rightside up (20,000 XP)
Fabio Sparklemane Punchcard
- Use a Zipline (12,000 XP)
- Destroy five pieces of furniture at Apres Ski (14,000 XP)
- Dance at two different alien crash sites (16,000 XP)
- Dance for two seconds after damaging an opponent (18,000 XP)
- Dance for five seconds while in the sideways (20,000 XP)
J.B. Chimpanski Punchcard
- Make a donation to the war effort donation box (12,000 XP)
- Deliver a car to the Weather Station (14,000 XP)
- Harvest 100 metal from an alien crash site (16,000 XP)
- Talk to three characters (18,000 XP)
- Interact with a mounted turret (20,000 XP)
The Brat Punchcard
- Open a cash register (12,000 XP)
- Destroy three couches or beds (14,000 XP)
- Complete a quest from another character (16,000 XP)
- Purchase a weapon of Rare rarity or higher from a character or Weapon-O-Matic (18,000 XP)
- Damage opponents with weapons of Rare rarity or higher (20,000 XP)
Dark Jonesy Punchcard
- Collect a shotgun and shells at Steamy Stacks (12,000 XP)
- Stoke a campfire (14,000 XP)
- Crouch within ten meters of an opponent for two seconds (16,000 XP)
- Cause 150 headshot damage on monsters in The Sideways (18,000 XP)
- Defeat two waves of Cube Monsters in The Sideways anomaly (20,000 XP)
Scuba Jonesy Punchcard
- Swim at both Lake Canoe and Lazy Lake (12,000 XP)
- Submerge a driven vehicle into a large body of water (14,000 XP)
- Throw a fish back in the water (16,000 XP)
- Hunt one wildlife (18,000 XP)
- Consume a fish and a meat in a single match (20,000 XP)
What are Daily & Weekly Punchcards in Fortnite?
![Fortnite Season 8 weekly punchcards](
Epic have taken a different approach to weekly challenges this season, as they’ve scrapped the Legendary and Epic quest format they used for numerous seasons, and instead have implemented the return of Punchcards.
Players will have several Daily and Weekly Punchcards to complete over the course of the season in order to earn XP and unlock Battle Pass Stars. These will typically feature quests like spending Gold Bars and winning matches.
- Read More: How to level up fast in Fortnite Season 8
New Daily Punchcards go live at 6AM PDT each day, while new Weekly Punchcards go live each Wednesday at 7AM PDT. There are also Character Punchcards for all of the NPCs on the Island, which we’ll go into next.
What are Character Punchcards in Fortnite?
![character punchcards](
A new feature this season is Character Punchcards, which are basically separate missions for all of the NPCs around the Fortnite map. Unlike the Daily and Weekly Punchcards, these quests are themed, such as dancing for Fabio or taking down IO Guards for Charlotte.
- Read More: Best weapons in Fortnite Season 8
You’ll need to find and talk to these characters around the Island in order to begin these quests, and each one has five challenges for players to complete. You can only have five character Punchcards on the go at any one time, and starting a new one will replace an old one.
New Character Punchcards will go live every Tuesday at 6am PT / 9am ET / 1pm GMT. We’ll keep this page updated, so make sure you check back each week for the latest quests to keep that XP rolling in.
These are all of the Weekly & Character Punchcards that have been released by Epic Games or shared by leakers. We’ll keep this page updated, so make sure you check back for future challenges.
For the latest news, leaks, and guides, visit our dedicated Fortnite page.