How to complete Fortnite Week 8 Dive! Mission challenges

Matt Porter
Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 2 is now into Week 8, which means Epic Games are adding another brand-new Mission set named Dive! full of new challenges for players to complete.

Long-time fans of Fortnite will know that the original weekly challenge system is gone, instead replaced by Missions which offer even more tasks and rewards than their counterparts from the early seasons of the battle royale title.

As always, Battle Pass owners will have a new Mission to sink their teeth into when challenges go live on Thursday, November 28, with tons of XP and Battle Stars up for grabs as players continue to rank up their Pass and unlock cosmetic items for their characters.

Credit: Epic GamesFortnite’s Week 8 Missions go live on Thursday, November 28.

With this week’s Mission titled Dive!, it comes as no surprise that players will be required to do some swimming, as Epic Games have added time trials at Lazy Lake and Hydro 16 which must be completed to scratch off this challenge.

Supply Drops and Chests are also priority items this week, with dealing damage to Supply Drops as they fall, and then opening one within 10 seconds of it landing makes up two tasks in the overall Mission set.

Mastering the Harpoon Gun will let players pull an item, opponent and catch a fish for one of the week’s more difficult challenges, but the good news is that they don’t have to all be performed in a single match. You can view all of the Dive! Mission challenges below.

Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1, Week 8 Dive! Mission challenges

  • Deal damage to descending Supply Drops (200)
  • Eliminations at Hydro 16 or Holly Hedges (3)
  • Search a Supply Drop within 10 seconds of it landing (3)
  • Complete the swimming time trials at Lazy Lake and East of Hydro 16 (2)
  • Eliminations without aiming down sights (3)
  • Pull an item, pull an opponent, and catch a fish using a Harpoon Gun (3)
  • Deal damage to opponents within 30 seconds of using a glider (1)
  • Search 2 chests within 30 seconds of each other (3)
  • Harvest wood within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus in a single match (300)
  • Deal damage with 2 different weapons within 30 seconds (1)
  • Search the hidden ‘E’ found in the Dive! Loading Screen (1)

Once eight of the Dive! Missions have been successfully completed, players will unlock a special loading screen with a hidden letter ‘E’ than can be found somewhere on the map.

Battle Pass owners will have seven days to complete the Dive! Mission, so make sure to hop into the game and start ticking them off before time runs out on December 5.