How to Complete the “Search between a gas station, soccer pitch, and Stunt Mountain” Fortnite Challenge
One of the “HARD” challenges for Week 4 of Season 5 in Fortnite Battle Royale requires you to search for a Battle Pass star “between a gas station, soccer pitch, and Stunt Mountain”.
As is always the case with these challenges, the area described is actually quite specific once you begin to pinpoint the various locations described.
For this challenge you’ll need to head to the northwest section of the map, directly south of Pleasant Park.
All you need to do to complete the challenge is land on the patchy area of grass marked on the map below and collect the Battle Pass star.
As this challenge is classed as “HARD”, you’ll earn twice as much XP as you do with the standard ones and it should only take you a minute to do!
If you’re still struggling, RampBetter YT on YouTube has uploaded a video showing the exact location.
Completing the various weekly challenges is the fastest way of leveling up through the Season 5 tiers and unlocking the plethora of skins, items and cosmetics associated with them.
Complete all of the Week 4 challenges to unlock this week’s bonus “Road Trip” challenge which will get you one step closer to unlocking the mystery Road Trip outfit.