LEGO Fortnite’s “censored” Dead Game skin leaves community confused

Brianna Reeves
fortnite dead game skin

Fortnite’s Veronika skin dons a “Dead Game” shirt that Epic “censored” upon releasing it in the LEGO game mode.

Epic unleashed the “Dead Game” skin on Fortnite in 2022 with the launch of v21.50. Officially labeled as the Veronika skin, this particular look comes in the form of a woman wearing a forest green top that reads, “DEAD GAME.”

The shirt allowed Epic to poke fun at those who flooded comment sections and forum pages with messages calling Fortnite “dead.” Evidently, Veronika’s proven popular enough to make her way into LEGO Fortnite. It’s not a one-to-one transition between worlds, though.

As spotted by HYPEX, Veronika dons a different shirt in LEGO mode. Instead of the top’s white letters spelling out “DEAD GAME,” they now form the words “BEST GAME.” (It’s worth pointing out that Veronika’s hair color has also changed between the two models.)

Several people responding to the post have called the change adorable and fun. However, others are confused by the edit, joking that Epic must’ve felt the need to spare kids from seeing the shirt’s original wording.

“The concept of death is too scary for children,” reads one derisive reply.

Without official word from the publisher, any guesses read as little more than speculation. But LEGO likely has a part to play; after all, while Fortnite is rated T for Teen by the ESRB, the rating board gave the LEGO mode a separate E10+ rating.

Others have argued the so-called censorship may amount to something else entirely. “It’s because LEGO is about positivity, and ‘dead game’ is viewed as a negative statement, so they made it positive instead: ‘best game,'” another person suggested.

It remains to be seen if Epic Games will share an explanation of its own.