LEGO Fortnite player recreates Star Destroyer inspired by real-life Star Wars set

Rishabh Sabarwal
LEGO Fortnite Star Wars Star Destroyer

A LEGO Fortnite player has created a real-life Star Wars set of a Star Destroyer in the game. As the player community is steadily going innovative with their in-game creations, here’s how this one looks and what fans had to say.

The cornerstone of both LEGO and Fortnite is the spirit of creativity. There are limitless opportunities for individuals to dream, build, and explore on both platforms. At the intersection of these two realms, LEGO Fortnite players stand at the threshold between the digital and physical mediums of model creation.

Since the mode’s release, players have exhibited their imaginations by creating unique structures such as an underground marijuana plantation, and creative transportation such as planes and monorails. Yet, despite many players slamming the game’s traversal, LEGO Fortnite vehicle builds continue to be popular.

Though most of the creations have been typical fare, one player has taken inspiration from their actual LEGO Star Wars set and built a fully operational Star Destroyer in the game.

LEGO Fortnite player builds Star Destroyer in the game

A LEGO Fortnite player who goes by the name of cxt_bro shared his LEGO Star Destroyer build on a Reddit thread. According to the player, the build is inspired by the official Star Wars LEGO sets.

Upon looking at the marvelous creation, players applauded the user for their efforts. One such player said, “So f*****g cool dude, continue doing this, you have a huge talent.”

Another chimed in after the user revealed they spent only an hour making it, “How the hell it only take you an hour, this would’ve taken me at least 5 or 6. Crazy. How did you go about making it?”

The user then laid out instructions for the Star Destroyer build and commented, “I started out with a triangle outline, added tons of roofs first, then most of the crazy details were saved for later after the base design was near completion. The only thing that made it difficult for me was the annoying night cycles making it hard to see.”

As LEGO Fortnite continues to thrive with joyous players and community, there are several upcoming additions to the game mode that have already leaked online.