Ninja and Friends Pull Off No Kill Victory Royale on Fortnite

Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins and Co. managed to successfully accomplish a no-kill Victory Royale win on Fortnite.

Known as a ‘Pacifist’ win, the ability to win a Fortnite: Battle Royale match without any kills has proven to be one of the most difficult accomplishments a team or player can achieve.

However, while playing with his former Cloud9 teammates from when he was a professional Halo player, Ninja and the squad were able to accomplish a ‘Pacifist’ win during Squads.

The team stayed alive throughout the duration of the game until the final enemy player was standing and used their materials to ‘box’ the remaining foe outside of the storm, giving Ninja and Co. the Victory Royale.

A Pacifist win requires players to farm as many materials, shields, healing items, and non-lethal items as possible so that a team can survive even when enemies are converging on them.

Players must coordinate perfectly with one another so that no accidents occur, and must typically be willing to sacrifice themselves to keep the game afloat.

More content like this can be viewed on Ninja’s official Twitch and YouTube channels, with updates from the streamer coming via his Twitter account.