Ninja mocks “loser” stream sniper with hilarious impression

Stream snipers are one of the most annoying issues that top streamers are forced to deal with, and Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins ridiculed those who spend their time ruining other people’s games with a comical impression.

Ninja, who is the most followed streamer on Twitch, regularly encounters stream snipers despite Epic Games’ best attempts to remove them from their game, by adding features such as anonymous mode and a hidden matchmaking delay.

With Arena mode matching players based on the number of points they have accrued, players in the Champions Division can easily match up with some of the best players in the world, by searching for a game at the same time if they have a similar score.

Stream snipers are a massive issue in battle royale games.

After dying to a player who knew his exact location during his World Cup practice with Reverse2k, Ninja gave his impression of stream snipers when they grow older.

“I remember when I was a 13-year-old loser, I used to stream snipe Ninja,” he said. “Now all you kids have dignity these days.

“We would stream for four hours trying to get kills him – that’s dedication – you guys don’t know anything about dedication.”

The Twitch star continued his hilarious mimicry with a conversation between the stream sniper and their future grandchildren.

“We have a code – never finish the game!” he added. “We got plenty of women, we showed them the clips after.”

Ninja wants Epic Games to tackle stream snipers

Unfortunately for Ninja, there seems to be no way of stopping stream snipers from ruining his gaming experience despite the 27-year-old believing that Epic Games should be protecting him and other streamers more.

For now, Blevins and other streamers such as FaZe Clan’s Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney will have to deal with pesky players until Epic implement a feature to put an end to stream sniping once and for all.