Tesla Cybertruck comes to Fortnite and players only have one obvious question

Cande Maldonado
Fishticks driving a Tesla Cybertruck with a shattered window in Fortnite

The Tesla Cybertruck is about to crash into Fortnite, promising to be tougher than the Titan Tank, the War Battle Bus, and a hyper-jacked Fishsticks together.

Tesla Cybertruck’s real-world debut became a well-memed moment after its “unbreakable” windows shattered in a demonstration. Now this vehicle is coming to Fortnite, and Epic Games is hyping it up as the most indestructible car yet.

If Epic Games’ promises are true, this behemoth will outclass the Titan Tank and War Battle Bus. The reveal clip even shows a buff Fishsticks towing a War Bus, which tows a Titan Tank that itself is being hauled by the all-powerful Cybertruck, driven by your average, scrawny Fishticks.

Vehicles are players’ best weapon in the current Fortnite meta, something that has drawn criticism from players like Ninja since day one of Chapter 5 Season 3. So, naturally, players only have one burning question about the Tesla Cybertruck: Will the windows break?

Fortnite Tesla Cybertruck promo picture

Everyone’s wondering if this pixelated version of Elon Musk’s pride and joy will inherit its real-life counterpart’s Achilles heel – and more importantly, will this blocky beast be bulletproof?

Epic Games has yet to answer these questions. Regardless, the reaction from the Fortnite community has been less than enthusiastic.

On X, players suggested making the Cybertruck rust and degrade over time or having it break down on the side of the road every five minutes. Some players even hope it can’t climb hills because watching a Cybertruck struggle up an incline would be hilarious.

The reactions aren’t any more positive over on Reddit. Here, several players vowed to sharpen their virtual weapons in a collective effort to target and blow up every Cybertruck they see.

As Fortnite’s vehicle-themed season draws to a close, it seems to be going out with an explosive bang. Fortnite players can see for themselves whether Elon Musk’s digital ride – and its windows – will survive the explosion when update 30.30 drops on July 23, 2024.