Tfue explains why “broken” Hot Spots don’t belong at Fortnite World Cup

David Purcell

Fortnite Battle Royale, but is still hoping that they’re not going to show up in competitive events like the World Cup Finals. 

Hot Spots were added to the popular battle royale game with the v9.10 update, meaning that a number of locations across the map are now seeing more supply drops land there than players have come to expect. 

During his May 25 stream, Tfue was running around Pleasant Park, after noticing that it was colored in yellow to show players that a lot of loot would be available there. Shooting down drone after drone, the streamer soon assembled a loot collection of mainly legendary tier weapons. 

It seems like Tfue doesn’t want Hot Spots at the Fortnite World Cup.

He was enjoying picking up the guns and items that dropped from the drones, of course, but couldn’t help feel that the feature would be giving some players a massive advantage over others. 

“If this shit is in competitive then this shit is broken as hell. I’m a slight bit concerned, not very concerned but just a little,” he said during the livestream, popping open several of the loot crates that hung overhead. “Bro I’m hot dropping this at Worlds bruh,” making reference to the Fortnite World Cup finals, which he has qualified for. 

(Tfue starts discussion at 0:25 below)

The loot dropped by the drones is random and can include powerful weapons such as the Boom Bow or RPG, which he says makes the areas a massive attraction in-game. 

Tfue added: “If you land at a place that has drones you are guaranteed at least a handful of gold weapons, and that alone can get you so far in competitive. Bro, if you manage to get a heavy sniper and RPG, that’s huge bro. It’s massive.”

Tilted Towers isn’t really the hotspot that it once was in Fortnite Battle Royale, since its NEO makeover.

Epic Games changed the aesthetics and layout of the game’s popular Tilted Towers locations at the end of Season 8 and the new NEO destination is no longer one of the biggest hot drop areas in the map – paving the way for these Hot Spots to become even more popular in the future. 

Whether or not their inclusion in competitive play would be as “broken” as Tenney suggests remains to be seen, but there have always been places in the game that players know – from the offset – have better loot. 

Pro players will be hoping that it isn’t too drastic a change ahead of the World Cup Finals in July.