CouRage joins Tfue in fight against Fortnite’s Infantry Rifle

David Purcell

Popular Twitch streamer Jack ‘CouRage’ Dunlop has become the latest prominent naysayer of the Infantry Rifle in Fortnite Battle Royale, joining FaZe Clan pro Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney in the movement to get the weapon vaulted. 

CouRage had some strong opinions to share about the Infantry Rifle in a passionate tweet he put out on March 5.

“The Infantry Rifle is the worst weapon they’ve ever added to Fortnite Battle Royale,” he tweeted. “I’m convinced. I’d rather have two plastic spoons from my local Chinese food place than the Infantry Rifle in a gunfight.”

He also went on to throw a jab at whoever’s idea it was to add the weapon into Fortnite, as well as anyone who enjoys having it in the game.

“Whoever wanted that in the game doesn’t deserve gifts on Christmas.”

As it would turn out, by some strange coincidence, CouRage’s rant would end up offering some foreshadowing as Epic Games slightly reduced the drop rate of the Infantry Rifle in the v8.01 update that was released on March 6.

The chance of receiving it from chests has been lowered from 14.141% to 13.39% and the chance of finding it as floor loot is now 2.21% from 2.41%

Tfue seems to have a problem with Fortnite’s Infantry Rifle.

This all, of course, comes nearly a week after Tfue shared his reservations about the Infantry Rifle, questioning its viability and reliability. 

“What is worse dude, getting an Infantry Rifle off spawn or a Burst [Rifle] off spawn?” he asked his chat. “I think the Infantry Rifle is easily the worst and least reliable weapon to get off of spawn – easily dude.”

(Tfue talks about the weapon for the first two minutes of the video below)

While Tfue does mention how weak the weapon is in Fortnite, he has a bigger problem with how often it’s found – hence the comparisons to the Burst Rifle, which was vaulted with the v7.10 content update back in January. 

“Normally – before I switched up my landings – I would probably get an Infantry Rifle 50 percent of the time,” he added. “That’s fucked dude. I don’t mind the gun being in the fucking game or whatever, it’s fucking terrible, but for it to be as common as it is – it’s fucked.”

Luckily for Tfue, he shouldn’t be coming across the Infantry Rifle as often now that its drop rate has been nerfed. 

Even still, the chances of the Infantry Rifle being vaulted are looking slim at the moment, which these two Fortnite superstars would love to see happen. 

In fact, according to recent leaks, there may be two more versions of the weapon added soon to Fortnite – an Epic and Legendary variant.

That may end up being a blessing in disguise, however, as more powerful version of the rifle may end up being just what it needs to become more usable.