There is something seriously wrong with one of Fortnite’s Week 6 challenges

Albert Petrosyan

The weekly challenges for this week six of Fortnite Battle Royale were rolled out on January 10, and players were quick to notice that something was off about the list.

As usual, this week’s challenges are comprised of three that are available for everyone to complete and four that are reserved exclusively for those who own this season’s Battle Pass.

One of the Battle Pass challenges has three stages, the third of which requires players to deal 200 points of damage to opponents using Grenades, Clingers, or Stink Bombs.

There is an issue with that list of options however, as Clingers were vaulted a month ago and would thus be impossible to use for the purposes of this challenge.

As expected, it did not take long for players to take to social media and Reddit to point out this error and take the opportunity to roast Epic Games in the process. 

Players are reporting that Dynamite, the explosive that essentially took the place of Clingers, works for the purposes of this challenge, which leads to the possibility that the developers meant to put the new explosive in the list instead of the old one. 

It would be kind of hard to use Clingers to complete this week 6 challenge considering that the explosive was vaulted a month ago.

An error like this has led some to question how on top of things some employees at Epic Games are, considering this was not the first oversight that a representative made today.

On December 10, a Reddit user posted a suggestion for improving Mounted Turrets that Epic employee ‘EpicDustyDevo’ thought was a brand new idea, when in fact the concept had already been implemented and was just being hindered by a bug.