Video footage of all three unreleased v7.10 Fortnite emotes

Matt Porter

One of the most exciting things about Fortnite Battle Royale is the release of new items, with Epic Games updating the Item Shop every day to give fans new skins, back bling or emotes.

Some of the most popular things to buy in Fortnite are new emotes, which allow players to express themselves in-game, whether it’s to celebrate amazing plays and make your teammates laugh, or to mock an opponent that you have just eliminated.

For those who want to see what emotes will be coming to the game in the near future, dataminer Lucas7yoshi has uploaded a video to Twitter that shows actual footage of emotes that were added to the game in the v7.10 update, but have yet to be made available to players.

The video which was uploaded on Sunday, January 6 contains five total emotes, although two of these, Knee Slapper and Mind Blown, were released as part of the January 7 Item Shop.

The first of the three unreleased emotes is Cheer Up, which sees Fortnite characters turn into cheerleaders, complete with pom poms. The second is titled Lazy Shuffle, and sees the character perform a dance without exerting much energy.

Finally, a Time Out emote has been included in the v7.10 update files, that can be used to inform players around you that you need to stop – although there is no guarantee that enemies will obey it!

The three new emotes come at three different rarities, with Cheer Up classed as Epic, Lazy Shuffle rated as Rare and the Time Out emote as Uncommon.

It’s currently unknown when these emotes will be made available for players to purchase, or how much they will cost when they are added to the Item Shop, as this information can’t be datamined.

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