YouTuber ‘InTheLittleWood’ Releases New Rap Music Video Recapping Season 4 in Fortnite

Albert Petrosyan

As is usually the case during a time of major change in Fortnite, the anticipation and hype among the game’s vast player-base reaches an all-time high.

With Season 4 ending and giving away to Season 5, the community has looked back to reminisce on everything that took place over the past ten weeks.

In anticipation, YouTuber and Twitch streamer ‘InTheLittleWood’ has released a music video in which he raps about Season 4.

The rap track covers a variety of things, including new features added to the game, such as graffiti, Hop Rocks, and Shopping Carts, as well as a number of events that took place, such as the Meteor strike at the beginning and the Rocket launch cracking the sky.

In addition to the lyrics and beat of the track being on point, the video itself is full of great in-game footage taken using the built in replay system.

The overall quality of the project was so high that Fortnite even shouted it out on their own Twitter page.

The entirety of InTheLittleWood’s music video can be viewed below, or on his official YouTube channel here.

About The Author

Albert is a former esports and gaming writer, focused particularly on Call of Duty and content creators. Spending over three years at Dexerto, Albert eventually now works with streamer NICKMERCS and the MFAM group. You can find Albert @AlbertoRavioli on Twitter.