All Deadlock stats explained

Jeremy Gan
deadlock loading screen

While playing Deadlock you’ll be buffing a lot of your stats, but the game doesn’t exactly explain what they all do, So, here’s what they all are and what they do.

Valve’s hero shooter MOBA is officially in the hands of the public and it has dawned on a lot of folks that it’s not exactly the easiest game to jump into for beginners.

Be it the various ways to get Souls, what Flex Slots are, or how complex hero builds can get, there is a lot to digest in this game.

Another thing you’ll need to learn about is the stats in Deadlock. When starting out, we aren’t exactly told what they all do but fear not because we will help you out.

So, here are all the stats in Deadlock and what they all do.

All stats in Deadlock listed and explained

Deadlock player stats

Below you can find the complete list of all the stats and what they do:

  • Max Health: Your maximum health pool
  • Health Regen: The amount of health you regenerate per second
  • DPS: The amount of damage you deal per second
  • Bullet Damage: The amount of damage each of your bullets deal
  • Bullet Resist: The percentage of Bullet damage you are resistant to
  • Spirit Resist: The percentage of Spirit damage you are resistant to
  • Bullet Shield: The amount of shield you have against Bullet damage
  • Spirit Shield: The amount of shield you have against Spirit damage
  • Bullet Lifesteal: The percentage of health gained from weapon damage dealt on an enemy
  • Spirit Lifesteal: The percentage of health gained from Spirit damage dealt on an enemy
  • Move Speed: Your movement speed while in combat
  • Sprint Speed: Your movement speed outside of combat
  • Stamina: The amount of stamina bars you have, will determine how many dashes you can do
  • Healing Power: How much more healing you do
  • Light Melee: How much damage a light melee will deal
  • Heavy Melee: How much damage a heavy melee will deal
  • Fire Rate: The percentage increase of your weapon’s fire rate
  • Ammo: How much ammunition you have in each magazine
  • Spirit Power: The amount of Spirt damage for your abilities
  • Ability Cooldown: The percentage decrease of your abilities cooldown
  • Ability Range: The percentage increase of the range of your abilities
  • Ability Duration: The percentage increase of your abilities’ effects

All of these stats will be increased based on the items you buy, however, depending on what hero and what build you’re going for some of these stats will be quite low or basically at zero.

For example, most heroes aren’t going to have any Healing Power aside from heroes like Dynamo. If you’re doing a high-damage build on Pocket, it won’t be too surprising if your resists and shields are quite low.

Being aware of what each of your stats does will be key if you want to counter certain enemies. For example, if you’re up against an Ivy with a lot of Bullet Damage, you may want to start building some items that will give you Bullet Resist.