Apex Legends glitch leaves players stuck in Lifeline’s giant inflatable booty

Carver Fisher

A variety of modifications were made to every Apex Legends map to commemorate the game’s 4-year anniversary, but some players discovered that the giant inflatable legends around the map are just as lethal as their in-game counterparts.

Apex Legends was a smash hit when it launched, with the free-to-play battle royale becoming one of the most popular games in its genre. The title also managed to hold on to and grow that playerbase over the past few years.

To celebrate Apex Legends’ 4 year anniversary, Respawn made some map modifications and got players in on the festivities. The ships flying overhead have been criticized by players for sounding a bit too close to a player respawning, but the giant inflatable legends perched around the map are generally harmless.

Or, at least, that’s what most players thought. As it turns out, it’s possible for players to get stuck inside these giant inflatable legends if they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Apex Legends glitch traps players inside Lifeline’s inflatable booty

Now that support legends can craft players’ banners and bring them back into the game in Apex Legends Season 16, there are more clutch scenarios than ever for players who are able to sneak around for long enough to bring their teammates back into the game.

That said, spawning your dead teammates into one of the game’s last circles is an incredibly risky move. It’s rare that players can spawn in the middle of a warzone and come out on top with just the loot they’re able to find on the ground, but not impossible.

However, a few Apex Legends players had their hopes dashed when the location in which they respawned landed them in a very unfortunate predicament.

Their ship was level with the inflatable Lifeline, leaving them on a collision course with the festive balloon. However, instead of bouncing off of it or dying immediately upon coming out of the dropship, they got stuck where the sun doesn’t shine.

These poor players were rubber banding in and out of there, and any attempt at escape was futile. The chances of getting respawned directly inside of one of these celebratory decorations is certainly slim, but as shown above it’s not impossible.

Be careful where you place your mobile respawn beacon while the event is still going on; you never know where your teammates could end up getting stuck.