Armored Core 6 leg types: Bipedal, reverse-joint, treads, and tetrapod

Ethan Dean
Armored Core 6 Quadruped Explosion

Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon offers the unparalleled mech customization that the series is known for including different leg types. Without a doubt, this is one of the most important parts of your mech builds so here are all the different options available in the game.

The highly anticipated Armored Core 6 has arrived and fans both old and new are keen to dive into all the mech action.

There’s a lot to do in the game which includes a big emphasis on customization. As you play as a debt-slave mercenary hired by soulless corporations to ravage the far-off planet of Rubicon 3 for its most precious resource you’ll have the option to adjust your mechs to your liking and leg types are one of the most important things to consider.

Here’s a rundown of all the different leg types in Armored Core 6, and what benefits each provides.


A screenshot of Armored Core 6 from Steam
Legs will drastically alter how your Armored Core controls

Legs in Armored Core 6: Load limit and movement

The reason legs matter so much in the Armored Core franchise is twofold. Your choice of legs sets your AC’s load limit (read carry weight) and fundamentally changes the way it controls.

Weight limit is one of the most important factors in an Armored Core game because it governs how many and what types of weapons you can equip. 50% of your playstyle will come down to your choice of armaments.

The other 50% will come from the way your AC moves and controls. Each of Armored Core 6’s four leg types will alter how you move and control so drastically, swapping between them can feel like playing two entirely different games.

Each type of leg part will come in a light, medium, and heavy variation which will add its own set of pros and cons to gameplay. We’ll discuss these as we look at each type below.

Armored Core 6 Biped in Garage
Biped legs

Bipedal legs in Armored Core 6

Bipedal legs are the most basic leg type in the Armored Core franchise including the sixth installment. This is far from a bad thing though as they allow for versatility and strong all-rounder builds.

They’re favored by newcomers due to their relatively simple method of control and the ease at which you can build around them. Their variations in weight will alter your own load limit and govern your AC’s durability. The heavier the leg, the more armor you’ll have.

Heavy bipedal legs do come at the cost of some movement speed and agility but will reduce the considerable recoil of heavy weapon types which this set of legs suffers from greatly. Bipedal legs have heavily reduced accuracy when firing on the move with back-mounted cannon weapons.

These legs offer fairly generous load limits at the medium and heavy weights allowing for experimentation with weapon types in the early game. Even the heavier variants will give you decent mobility and build variety.

Armored Core 6 Garage Menu
Reverse-joint legs

Reverse-Joint legs in Armored Core 6

At a glance, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between Bipedal legs and their Reverse-Joint counterparts. Appearances can be deceiving though. Reverse-joint legs offer insane movement speed and maneuverability with higher jumps and longer flight time.

This greater mobility comes at the cost of durability and load limit though. Even the heavier reverse-joint legs offer significantly lower armor and equipment opportunities than bipeds.

Less durability isn’t an issue when you’re too fast to hit of course but the decreased load limit means you’ll have to have a specialized and tightly focused build. You can mitigate this somewhat using heavier options but you’ll lose a portion of the mobility that makes up the core identity of reverse-joint builds.

Reverse-joint play has a high skill ceiling and looks fantastic when you get it down. If you’re a fan of sleek aesthetics and anime-style combat, these are for you.

Armored Core 6 Tank Legs

Treads in Armored Core 6

Tread legs take us into the more unique options for AC playstyles turning you into a literal tank. Even the lightest treads will allow you to equip heavier parts and weapons drastically raising your durability and firepower.

They reduce the recoil of heavy weapons to the point of triviality meaning you can fire on the move with barely any penalties to accuracy. You would think they would make you cumbersome and relative to the two types of bipedal legs you will be. Still, you can tear along the ground at pretty high speeds and damage enemies by ramming them.

Your turn speed and flight capabilities will take a significant hit if you choose treads for your AC’s legs. Dodging is also much harder with treads so you will be taking hits which can mean a reduced paycheck owing to the certainty of repair costs.

Treads turn Armored Core 6 into Tokyo Drift with heavy ordinance and look fun as hell. If you’d rather tank hits than dodge them, try the treads.

Armored Core 6 Tetrapod
Tetrapod legs

Tetrapod legs in Armored Core 6

Tetrapod legs are probably the most unique in terms of look and playstyle. Commonly referred to as ‘Quads’ by series veterans, they have had the most changes made to them in Armored Core 6.

Tetrapod legs have massively reduced recoil from heavy weapons compared to other leg types. Moreover, they have a special hover mode which allows for a far longer flight time than any of their counterparts.

They excel when equipped with long-range weapons due to their ability to hover out of range and confuse enemy AI. They are third on the mobility rung though. Only beating out the treads for obvious reasons.

Still, they offer a great load limit and the potential for heavily armored builds with better dodging than treads. These ones are for anyone who saw Doctor Octopus and thought “That guy’s pretty cool”.

Armored Core 6 Mech Fight
PVP metas will likely hinge on leg types.

Now that you know most of what you need to about the various leg types in Armored Core 6, you can start planning your build. Only the strongest AC’s will be able to contend with the game’s missions and bosses.

Those are all the different leg types in Armored Core 6! For more content on the game, check out our guides below:

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