Best Devices in XDefiant ranked & explained

Shane Black

When building your loadout in XDefiant, you are going to want to find the best Device to go with it. These are all the gadgets that can either disorient an enemy or completely blow them sky-high.

There are only five Device options available in the game at the moment, and knowing which ones are the best is key to making your build the best it can be.

This is why we have compiled a list of the best XDefiant Devices and how they ranked against each other.

5. EMP Grenade

XDefiant EMP Grenade device

The EMP Grenade is a great tool that will destroy or stop any enemy abilities and devices that have been deployed. When used right, this skill is a useful tool that can change the tide of a battle.

However, it is only effective if there are devices or abilities to counter in the area. Because of this, its use case is a little niche, making it rank the lowest on the list. It’s good to keep in your back pocket in case the enemy team has some devices you need to take out or abilities you’d like to interrupt.

You can unlock the EMP Grenade by dealing 400 damage to Enemy Equipment using Devices.

4. Flashbang Grenade

XDefiant Flashbang Grenade device

The next entry on this list is the Flash Grenade, which when thrown causes enemies to see a blinding white light and dull their hearing, allowing you the chance to take them down in a vulnerable state.

Like the EMP Grenade, when used properly, it’s a huge advantage in a firefight.

It’s just that it still isn’t enough to become dominant in XDefiant, and if the grenade doesn’t go off right in front of an enemy, they won’t get the full effect. Flashbangs in this game are a bit more finnicky than other games in the genre, with someone having to look directly at it for it to take effect.

To unlock the Flashbang Grenade, you will need to kill 20 enemies suffering from a Status Condition.

3. Sticky Grenade

XDefiant Frag Grenade device

Now we are entering into the world of damage output with Devices with the Sticky Grenade. This Device will stick to the surface it is thrown at before exploding to dish out pain to any enemies nearby.

You can even stick it to a target so that they can’t avoid the explosion. If you can develop the right accuracy for it, you can become an absolute monster with the Sticky Grenade.

To unlock the Sticky Grenade, you will need to inflict 25 Status Conditions to enemies in the game.

2. Frag Grenade

XDefiant Frag Grenade device

Despite being the default Device in the game, the Frag Grenade is a great option. It’s versatile and easy to use, while also being able to clear out an objective or room easily.

Sure, you need to get the hang of cooking it so that you don’t give your targets time to run away, but it isn’t hard to do.

The Frag Grenade is available to use as soon as you start out in the game.

1. Proximity Mine

XDefiant Proximity Mine device

The Proximity Mine is topping this list of XDefiant Devices due to how annoying it is to encounter as an enemy. It’s a Device that can be placed anywhere and waits for an opponent to run by before detonating.

Its explosion can also kill in a heartbeat with its powerful impact. It truly is difficult to avoid once you realize you have triggered it, which is what makes it so good. And if you are a sniper who is hunkering down in one spot, this is the perfect defense.

To unlock the Proximity Mine, you need to deal 1,000 damage with Devices in the game.

You need to know which meta weapons to use these Devices with, so check out the game’s best Assault Rifles, SMG’s, and the top LMG’s.